MCGILL HOMES – Gympie Builders

Anthony McGill Homes your Gympie Builder

Established as a trade qualified carpenter / joiner since 1993′ Anthony prides himself with original styles and building skill to accommodate clients vast budgets and lifestyles.

Distinct quality and perfection reigns from the high level of personal workmanship and dedication. Anthony endeavors to please even the most fastidious home builder.

Over the past 18 years Anthony has developed his skills and knowledge’ and gained recognition as a registered builder’ striving to provide personal’ family based services to new home builders.

With a reliable trade team behind the scenes Anthony offers nothing but quality products and service from the ground up.

MCGILL HOMES opens up a whole world of building opportunities for people’ from renovating’ restoration’ alterations / additions’ residential dwellings to commercial works.

Now as a committee member of the Master Builders Association Queensland’ Gympie division’ Anthony has ongoing support’ training and knowledge that enables him to continually service his clients with the most up to date legislations’ trends and information.

For a no obligation quote please call Anthony on

07 54822765

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About Gympie Online

As the heritage and cultural centre of the Cooloola Region, Gympie boasts a tradition that few areas in Queensland can offer. A city of 16,000 people, Gympie offers the warm hospitality of a country town with all the modern conveniences.

Known as the "Town that Saved Queensland", Gympie's proud heritage began in 1867 with the discovery of gold by prospector James Nash at the site now occupied by the Town Hall. At the time, Queensland was facing bankruptcy due to drought and the fall in wool prices. However, Nash made the five day journey down the Mary River from Maryborough and, after digging up 75 ounces of gold in six days, staked his claim. The Gympie Gold Rush was on, injecting the boost to the Queensland economy that enabled the colony to survive.

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